Comparison Study of Cost Effectiveness, Complications Hospital Stay in Conventional Versus Micro-Discectomy
Micro-discectomy, Conventional DiscectomyAbstract
Objective: To study of cost effectiveness, complications and hospital stay in conventional V/S micro-Discectomy.
Study Design: Experimental randomized controlled trail.
Placed and Duration of Study: My study held in Neurosurgical department of Lahore General Hospital Lahore , duration of study was six months and follow-up was of 06 months after discharge from ward.
Sample Size: Forty patients for herniated lumber Disc diagnosed on MRI were divided into two groups of 20 each.
Results: Mean age of patients range from 15 to 75 years in group A (open Discectomy) out of 20 patients. 14 patients (70%) stayed < 5 days and 6 patients (30%). stay in hospital > 5 days. In group B 20 patients (100%). Hospital stay < 5 days. C.S.F leak in group A (5%). In group B No. CSF leak recorded in group A. 04 patients (25%) wound infection in Group B, 01 patient (5%) wound infection. Group A patient got prolong hospital stay, on average < 5 days due to extensive dissection and more chance of complication, in comparison Group B patient has less hospital stay, average > 3 days and they are cost effective due to less use of medicines and less chance of complication.
Conclusion: Both surgical technical are equally good and effective regarding pain relief but in term of hospital stay and post-operative wound infection microdiscectomy show superior results than conventional Discectomy.
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