Surgical Outcome of Subdural Hematoma by Single Vs Double Burr Hole Technique
Chronic Subdural Hematoma, Single burr-hole craniotomy, Double burr-hole craniotomyAbstract
Objective: To determine frequency of a favorable outcome of chronic subdural hematoma patients by single vs. double burr hole technique.
Materials and Methods: A randomized controlled trial was done in Neurosurgery Department, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad from 15th September 2016 to 15th August 2017. All patients in group A were operated through a single burr-hole technique either under general anesthesia or local. Group B patients were operated through double burr-hole technique.
Results: One hundred patients were included in this study, divided into two groups. Group A had mean age 54 years with STD of ± 5.7 while in group B, mean age was 53 years with STD of ± 6.3. In group A there were 35 (70%) male and 15 (30%) female patients while group B had 30 (60%) male and 20 (40%) female patients. In group A, mean GCS was 12.78 with STD of ± 1.4. In group B, mean GCS was 12.64 with STD of ± 1.3. The favorable outcome after surgery was attained in 43 (86%) patients in Group A while 46 (92%) patients in Group B.
Conclusion: Chronic subdural hematoma is a complication seen in older age after trivial trauma history. Single burr-hole drainage of hematoma is an effective method of treatment when compared with double burr-hole method which is more time consuming.
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