Microscopic Discectomy Outcomes in Lumbar Disc Herniation Patients
Herniated Lumbar Disc, Microscopic Discectomy, Postoperative PainAbstract
Background: Radiculopathy due to herniated lumbar disc is one of the most common determinant of sciatica. Most patients with sciatica respond well to non-surgical treatment. Surgery is performed when there is an established neurological deficit or when conservative management is not successful in achieving positive results in pain.
Objective: To evaluate the frequency of good outcomes regarding pain relief after lumbar microscopic discectomy in adult patients presenting with radiculopathy.
Material and Methods: Current study includes 80 patients, both male and female between 20-70 years and admitted for herniated lumbar disc surgery. Microscopic discectomy was performed in all these patients. Outcome variable was frequency of good outcome in terms of post-operative pain ? 4/10. Informed consent in written was obtained from the individual patient.
Results: In 73 (91.3%) cases good outcome was observed. No substantial difference was noticed in the frequency of good outcome according to the duration of herniated disc (p = 0.960), pre-operative pain score (p = 0.499), age (p = 0.851) and gender (p = 0.703).
Conclusion: Good outcome was observed in 91.3% patients presenting with herniated lumbar disc undergoing microscopic discectomy regardless of patient’s age, gender, pre-operative pain and duration of disc herniation.
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Copyright (c) 2019 HASSAAN ZAHID, IMRAN ALI, NABEEL CHOUDHARY, JUNAID RASHID, KHALID MEHMOODThe work published by PJNS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Copyrights on any open access article published by Pakistan Journal of Neurological Surgery are retained by the author(s).