Prophylaxis of Surgical Site Infection in Cranial Surgery with Vancomycin Powder Application into Wound
Vancomycin, cranial surgery, surgical site infectionAbstract
Objective: To see the effect of application of Vancomycin powder directly into the subgaleal space in reducing the postoperative surgical site infections.
Materials and Methods: All the patients who underwent consecutive elective craniotomies from April 2017 to May 2018 Dept of Neurosurgery, szabmu, PIMS, Islamabad. The control group received the standard routine prophylaxis according to the hospital protocols, whereas the treatment group, in addition to the standard prophylaxis, received Vancomycin powder in the surgical wound in addition to the standard routine prophylaxis.
Results: 182 patients were enrolled in the study, 91 allocated to each the control and treatment group (Vancomycin). Six patients were lost to follow up. There were 90 patients in the control group and 86 patients in the treatment (Vancomycin) group. Both the groups were almost statistically similar. In the control group, 34.09% (n = 60) were male and 17.04% (n = 30) were female. In the treatment group, 29.54% (n = 52) were male and 19.31% (n = 34) were female. The overall rate of surgical site infection (SSI) was 3.97% (7 out of 176 cases). A statistically significant difference found in infection rate between the treatment group, 0% (0 out of 86 cases) and the control group, 7.77% (7 out of 90 cases) with the p value of 0.002.
Conclusions: The use of topical Vancomycin powder in surgical wounds may significantly reduce the incidence of infection in patients undergoing elective craniotomies. It is a promising means of preventing devastating and harmful postoperative wound infections.
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Copyright (c) 2019 SAMI UR REHMAN, RIFFAT ULLAH KHAN, GHAYUR ABBAS, USAMA BIN ZUBAIR, KAMRAN KHAN, SAJID NAZEER BHATTIThe work published by PJNS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Copyrights on any open access article published by Pakistan Journal of Neurological Surgery are retained by the author(s).