Analysis of Head Injuries Due to Motorcycle Accidents Attended in Medical Teaching … 182 Institute (MTI), DHQ, Gomal Medical College (GMC), Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan
Road Traffic Injuries, Road traffic accidentsAbstract
Objective: The consumption of motorbike is increasing in Asia. The aim of this study was to analyze the head injuries due to motorcycle accidents attended in the District Headquarter (DHQ), Dera Ismail Khan.
Material and Methods: All the age groups from both genders were part of our study. All the patients show reduced GCS with some sign of having abnormalities on Computed tomography (CT) brain were included in our eligibility criteria. Pedestrians, those died before hospital arrival, complain about any other type of injury other than a head injury, and not have proper admission in the hospital was excluded from the study.
Results: 478 patients were included in the current study. More than 44.14% of accidents were reported in patients aged 20 – 29 years. 441 (92.25%) were men, and 381 (79.7%) were driving themselves. Among 478 only 71 (14.85%) were wearing a helmet. Almost 47.48% of the accidents occurred on the weekend. 274 (57.32%) patients reached the hospital within 5 hours after the accident. 218 (45.6%) patients had a head injury. Brain edema was the most common CT abnormality 214 (44.8%).
Conclusion: Mainly, the males were affected by a motorcycle accident and face head injury in the third decade of their life. The CT scan indicates brain edema as the most common findings. 45.6% of patients have a severe head injury and a mortality rate of 13.4% was reported.
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