Surgical Outcome of Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) with Autologous Bone Graft from Iliac Bone and Miniplate Application Over It
Cervical radiculopathy, ACDF, Miniplate, Iliac bone graftAbstract
Objectives: To know the surgical outcome of ACDF with autologous bone graft from iliac bone and miniplate application over it.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted in the Department of Neurosurgery, Hayatabad Medical Complex and Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar from 1st June 2017 to 31 December 2018. Only those patients having prolapsed intervertebral cervical discs or cervical stenosis were included while those with multiple level involvement, trauma, fracture and previously operated patients for any cervical pathology were excluded. Pre-op and postoperative data were documented. For all patients, tricortical iliac bone autograft and rigid plate instrumentation was used to optimize fusion cervical collar was not used post op. Acquired data were analyzed with SPSS v20.
Results: Total 83 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria and enrolled in the study. Out of these, 48 patients were males and 35 were females. The age range was from 17 to 63 with a mean age 52 years ± 2.5.The C5 – C6 was the commonest site for fusion C6 – C7, C3 – C4 and C4 – C5 were less common. Odom’s criteria was applied to determine the outcome of the procedure. Excellent results were noted in 70 (82%). Ten (12.05%) patients had good results.
Conclusion: The ACDF with the tricortical iliac bone autograft and mini plate application is the choice treatment in appropriately selected patients. It increases chances of fusion and abates the need for post op cervical collar.
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