Outcome of Endoscopic Discectomy in Patients with Lumbar Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc
Prolapsed intervertebral disc, endoscopic discectomy, visual analogue scaleAbstract
Objective: To determine the outcome of endoscopic discectomyin patients with lumbar prolapsed intervertebral disc in terms of back pain and leg pain using the visual analogue scale.
Material and Methods: Descriptive case series, was conducted at, PINS, LGH Lahore for 6 months. 15 patients were included through non probability consecutive sampling that fulfilled inclusion criteria. All patients’ low back pain and leg pain was documented using visual analogue scale before and after 2 months of surgery.On the basis of VAS we calculated % age improvement of low back pain and leg pain after endoscopic discectomy, while ? 5 scale improvement was considered clinically significant.
Results: Patients mean age was 44.46 years. Among them, 9 (60%) were males and 6(40%) were females. On average, the basal metabolic index (Kg/m2) was 29.29 However, the BMI of females was 31.76 and male was 27.65 Kg/m2. On average, the duration of symptoms was 8.05 months. On average, the Straight Leg Raise was 24.7o at the time of treatment. A decreased sensation was observed in L5 of 3 (20%) and in S1 of 4 (26.67%) participants. Whereas Absent sensation was observed in L5 of 3(20%) and in S1 of 5 (33.33%). Mean preoperative back pain and as well as leg pain was 7.05 that improved to 0.41 and 0.86 4 weeks post operatively.
Conclusion: Endoscopic discectomy is equally effective in alleviating the symptoms without notable difference in surgical outcome.
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