Effect of Lumbar Discectomy on the Quality of Life (QOL)
Quality of life, Discectomy, Herniated Lumbar Disc, Low Back Pain, Lumbar SpineAbstract
Objective: Quality of life is an individual’s perception. Herniated lumbar discs badly affect quality of life due to lower back pain and neurological deficits. The purpose of the study is to see the impact of lumbar disc herniation (LDH) on the quality of life of individuals and to examine the effect of surgery on the quality of life in these patients.
Materials and Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in the Department of Neurosurgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital / Fatima Jinnah Medical University, the data was collected through purposive sampling from LDH patients (N=159). The data was collected at three-point times; preoperatively (N=159) immediately postoperatively (n=125), and after 3 months post-operative (n=92). Quality of life was measured by the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHO-QOL BREF scale) and the Aberdeen Lower Back Pain Scale (ALBPS).
Results: The quality of life in pre-operative patients was very poor and lumbar discectomy significantly (p<.05) not only improved the overall quality of life but with high significance reduced lower back pain at p<.001 hence showing the effectiveness of surgery among LDH patients.
Conclusion: For patients with recommended surgery for lumbar disc herniation, early intervention enhances quality of life. After surgery, significant pain improvement was seen as shown by ALBPS. WHO-QOL BREF assessment also highlights surgical impact on quality of life, before and after the procedure.
Keywords: Quality of life, Discectomy, Herniated Disc, Low Back Pain, Spine.
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